The Award Winning Hoop Du Jour Basketball & Training Camp is now offering an assortment of After School Programs.
The HDJ After School Camp consists of structured drills, skills, game activities, strength and conditioning and scrimmages which build children’s confidence and improve their overall performance and game.
The Hoop Du Jour Basketball program is certified by USA Basketball and the Jr NBA as an Official “Youth Development Camp”. At HDJ, We TEACH the Fundamentals of the game. We will be adhering to the CDC guidelines, so only a limited amount of players spots will be reserved.
Call Coach Rob G to reserve your spot and feel free to call with any additional questions. (954)815-0076. "DUNK U VERY MUCH" :)

Congratulations to Hoop Du Jour Alumni (Assistant Coach) of the New York Knicks Coach Andy Greer, on advancing to the 2nd round of the 2023 NBA Playoffs.
All of HDJ wishes you the very best!

Hoop Du Jour Basketball & Training
Fall I Program:
Sat. September 2nd - Sat. October 14th. 2023 (7 Weeks)
NCAA DIVISION (7-12 yrs) 9:30 am - 11:00 am
NBA DIVISION (12-16 yrs) 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Hoop Du Jour Basketball Camps consists of:
Structured Drills
Individual & Team Activities
Open Run Scrimmages
Strength & Conditioning
At Hoop Du Jour our main focus is to build children’s confidence and improve their overall performance and game.
All Players will receive a:
Hoop Du Jour T Shirt
Spalding Basketball.
Reserve your spot on the roster today as space is limited.
For more information or to register please contact:
Coach Rob G. @ 954-815-0076 or hoopdujour@gmail.com

Is your child interested in learning the correct and proper way of playing basketball? Is he or she currently playing in a Recreational League, School or other team? At HoopDuJour Basketball & Training we teach the Fundamentals of the game; "We are the Basketball tutors".
New class for Coed beginners (ages 6-10) starting up in the Fall.
Limited roster spots available.

Coming Soon- HoopDuJour Cheerleading!
September 2023 (Pre registration going on now)

Congratulations to AEW'S (ALL ELITE WRESTLING'S)
Superstar MJF Maxwell Jacob Friedman on Winning the AEW Championship Belt!
All of the Hoop Du Jour Family wishes you the best of luck.

Palm Beach Post Article: 6/24/20.

The Hoop Du Jour Basketball & Training Camp is excited and proud to announce that it is partnering up with NBA Portland Trailblazers Star Center Enes Kanter to present a Free Basketball Camp/Clinic.
Check out Portland Trailblazers “Double Double Machine” Center Enes Kanter as he brings his “Heart & Soul” to the Faith Methodist Church (6340 W Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33437) on Saturday, June 22, 2019 from 10:00 am to 12:00 Noon.
The Camp will consist of Drills, Skills, a Q & A session and an emphasis on teaching fundamentals. Participants must reserve their spot for entry as camp is by Invite only; limited spaces are available! Limited to 4 players per family. (Parents/Guardians are welcome to stay and watch in spectators stands).
Go to www.PlayHoopDuJour.com to learn more.
Contact Coach Rob at 561-739-229 with any questions. “DUNK YOU VERY MUCH”!

March 28, 2019
The Hoop Du Jour Basketball & Training Camp is Excited and Proud to announce that we will be starting a New Division of HDJ geared toward children with special needs including ADD, ADHD, and Autism/Asperger's etc.
Our child-centric program focuses on creating a positive and fulfilling experience based on each child's specific circumstances.
The name of the Camp will be called Hoop Du Jour “Shining Stars”.
Every child deserves a chance to participate, learn and enjoy the game of basketball. HDJ’s main focus is to teach everyday life skills, builds children's confidence and overall performance via fundamentals, strength and conditioning.
I look forward to serving up my Daily Dose of Hoop Du Jour!
Registration going on now, limited roster spots available.

Does your child play in a Rec Basketball League, or for his or her Schools team or for a Travel team?
Are they being taught the Fundamentals of the game? At Hoop Du Jour our main focus is to TEACH your child the proper way to play the game. HDJ can be the key to improving your child’s strength, conditioning and overall performance.
“We are the Basketball Tut🏀rs”!

At Hoop Du Jour Basketball & Training,
its all about FAMILY.
Once you sport our T Shirt/Jersey for the first time...
You're Family for life!
The Miami Heat's Mascot "Burnie" and 3 Time NBA Champion & Captain, Udonis Haslam love Hoop Du Jour Basketball!

Sign up for Hoop Du Jour Strength & Conditioning Workshops
Call for schedule & times.
Is your child lying around the house playing video games:
Is he or she on the computer on Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat?
At the Hoop Du Jour Strength and Conditioning Workshops,
we make "Fitness Fun".
Hoop Du Jour features an assortment of low & high impact exercises
using a variety of workout equipment including:
Bosu Ball
Heavy Ropes
The Strength and Conditioning program caters to all sports including Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Football and Cheer-leading too.
Give your child that Competitive Edge against the Competition.
For more information please contact Coach Rob at (954)815-0076 or email at HoopDuJour@gmail.com
"Winners Find a Way, Losers Find Excuses"!

Coach Rob is amazing !
He taught more than basketball to my boys.
He had a very positive influence on their characters and manners !
We love you coach
Vafa T.
Coach Rob:
Thank you for TEACHING the right way to play the game of Basketball. There really aren't many coaches who take the time to teach Fundamentals. Steve has improved his game and he made his School Varsity team.
Karen T.
Coach Rob:
Both Steve and I immensely appreciate your work with Alex. I never thought he would improve to this level! Thank you very much, you are a terrific Coach.
Wendy L.
Coach Rob:
Scottie scored 16 points in his opening league game last night. I cannot Thank you enough for all of your dedication to fundamentals. His hard work is paying off.
My Hats off to Hoop Du Jour Basketball Camp.
Adam S.