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Hoop Du Jour Basketball well represented at the NBA Finals Game 1


June 6, 2013 Miami, FL American Airlines Arena

Hoop Du Jour Basketball was well represented last night at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, FL.

Game 1 of the NBA Finals between the Western Conference Champions, San Antonio Spurs vs The Defending NBA Champs, the Miami Heat.

The game proved to be a contest between the Spurs Big Three (Duncan, Parker and Ginobili) vs Miami's Three Posse in Wade, Bosh and James.

After three quarters the game was a real nail biter with both teams exchanging jabs back and forth.

With three minutes to go Manu Ginobili nails a three pointer from the top of the circle which proved to be the dagger in the Heats heart.

Tony Parker was terrific with his slashing to the rim and kicking it out penetration while

Tim Duncan played like he was 7 years younger; dominating in the paint area.

For Miami, the League MVP LeBron James lead the Heat with a Triple Double- 18 points, 18 rebounds and 10 assists; however it wasnt enough as the Spurs stole game 1 in the Heats house.



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